RCTSFA Policies
Safeguarding is the Assocation's number one priority. Should you have any safeguarding concerns or issues then please contact our Head of Safeguarding:
Mr Chris Emanuel
Tel: 07852872863
Email: safeguarding@rctschoolsfa.co.uk
RCTSFA is the custodian of County football within RCT. Within RCT we have the following active age groups:
- Under 8/9s Development Squad
- Under 11s
- Under 12s
- Under 13s
- Under 14s
- Under 15s
- Under 16s
- Under 18s (Boys only)
The aims and objectives of the Association are:
• To promote Football in R.C.T. schools.
• To provide coaching and playing opportunities for deserving players at a county representative level.
• To ensure a duty of care towards its players.
• To ensure that all players nominated to the Association receive fair and equal treatment.
RCTSFA Code of Conduct
The association is proud of the consistently high standards achieved by our players and coaches.
RCTSFA Parent(s) & Supporter(s) Code of Conduct
This Code is based on the principle that the game belongs to the children. Your role as parents, guardians and supporters is to give support and encouragement and allow the children to focus on playing and improving without a fear of making mistakes
The children play for their own pleasure, not ours. However, you all can have a crucial role in creating the right atmosphere at games and will hopefully gain your own pleasure from seeing your children enjoy their football, irrelevant of winning or losing.
The Rhondda Schools F. A. expects the following commitments as a minimum standard:
1. Be a good role model for the children at all times. Children learn best by example. This includes behaviour and conduct on social media with reference to RCTSFA activities.
2. Make coaches aware of any background issues that may be blocking your child’s enjoyment and progress (e.g. injury or illness).
3. Leave ALL coaching to the coaches to avoid player confusion and mixed messages.
4. Stay off the pitch at all times and encourage Chwarae Teg / Fair Play by both teams.
5. Show respect for officials, even if you do not respect their decisions. Where it is found that a parent has approached the officials to remonstrate then the parent will be excluded from all fixtures for the remainder of that season.
6. Applaud good play by both teams and substitute / substituted players joining / leaving the game.
7. If there is something you believe is being missed, let us know - not the officials or the opposition.
8. Detach yourself from the game - It belongs to the children.
9. Never ridicule or shout at a child for making a mistake or losing a game.
10. Show appreciation of volunteer coaches, officials and administrators. Without them your child
would not participate.
Failure to adhere to the above Code of Conduct may result in you not being allowed to attend future events and or games. In severe circumstances, you child may be withdrawn from the squad.
RCTSFA Players’ Code of Conduct
The Rhondda Schools F.A. strives to ensure that all experiences by young children are the best that they can be. In order to achieve this the RCTSFA expects high standards and excellent levels of commitment from all players in the Association.
As a player representing RCTSFA we ask that you read and understand the following expectations we have of you, whilst you are part of a squad and in school.
The RCTSFA expects the following commitments as a minimum standard:
1. Show respect to all teachers, coaches, team managers and Association Officers at all times. Your behaviour in school reflects the reputation of the RCTSFA. This includes behaviour and conduct on social media with reference to RCTSFA activity.
2. Make every effort to develop your own sporting abilities, in terms of skill, technique, tactics and stamina.
3. Give maximum effort and strive for the best possible performance during a game, even if the team is in a position where the desired result has already been achieved.
4. Do not use inappropriate language and avoid all forms of gamesmanship and time-wasting.
5. Make every effort consistent with Fair Play and the Laws of the Game to help your own team win.
6. Accept success and failure; victory and defeat with an equal measure of dignity.
7. Accept the decision of the Match Official(s) without protest and show respect at all times. Where there is a caution for dissent the player will miss the next fixture and all resulting fines must be paid by the parent/guardian of the player before they are eligible to play for the Association in future fixtures.
8. Abide by the instructions of their Coach and Team Officials, provided they do not contradict the spirit of this Code.
9. Inform the Team Manager or Coach of any unavailability as soon as possible
10. Attend training and games with the right attitude and listen to what the coaches are asking you to do.
Failure to adhere to the above Code of Conduct may result in you not being allowed to attend future events, training and or games. In severe circumstances, you may be withdrawn from the squad.